i posted my art online for about 17 years where getting 5-10 likes on a piece was average. 30 if it was really really good. 50 if I had ‘gone viral’.

your art isn’t bad or undeserving of praise just because you don’t have crazy high numbers on it.
Over the past year my average has risen to about 50-100x that, but my art didn’t get 50-100x better than it was last year. I improved, sure, but not that much. The thing that changed was my social media visibility. This is NOT a reflection of my artistic skill.
I used to feel so frustrated and shitty pouring 10-20 hours into a piece only to have it virtually disappear under the waves of social media.

But that was because I had no theme, no cultivated audience, no social media strategy. My art was fucking great actually.
Your art is probably fucking great too.
But fucking great art on its own isn’t enough to stand out amongst the BILLIONS of fucking great pieces on social media, not without strategy, networking, luck, etc.

So, please understand, once again, your numbers are not a reflection of the quality of your art.
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