How To Expose Your True Self
Let's start with Excuses

When you are surrounded by a group of people, ask yourself a question, How are you different from them?

What are you doing in your life that seperates their existence from yours?
Do you feel lost, insecure, insignificant among them?

Are you taking any steps to change that reality? Or just giving yourself dose of excuses
When you give someone an excuse, you believe that they will understand, they will feel bad for you or they will relate to your problem

But the truth is, Nobody gives a shit
When they say they understand, or they stop trying to explain it to you, it is a sign that they have given up on you

You say you have fear, I say Fear is an excuse you create to avoid the pain
Your excuses are the greatest betrayal you are inflicting on yourself

Imagine no one is there to support you, then ask yourself, are you able to live comfortably without their existence? Are you able to survive without depending on them?
Make it a habit to ask yourself tough questions, in the process, you'll expose your excuses
Around 150 million people are homeless worldwide.

Globally, 690 million people, go to bed on an empty stomach each night

About 39 million are blind, means if you're able to even read this thread, then count yourself as blessed
You are comfortably surrounded by shelter, you have the gift of eyes. There are people who dont have these luxuries.

Would you like to tell them your excuses for not getting out of your cosy bed in the mornings?
Your excuses are your problems, telling them to everyone else will let you get into the habit of feeling fine with them, accepting them as your limits

They can provide you with momentary satisfaction, but it the long run, they will hurt you badly
Also, Don't confuse problems with excuses, there is a distinction between them
Accept and apologize, rather than giving excuses

By acceptance, the mind can begin the process of healing them
If you don't change, your friends will move on to someone else who is more suitable for them than you

The world owes you nothing
Do it for the person in the mirror. Make sure that after 10 years, he will not call you dumb/idiot for making those choices.

Make sure your future self regards you as a hero, rather than a loser
Your true self is you when you’re at your most open, vulnerable, and carefree

Stop pretending and building an image of yourself when you are clearly not that person
Be authentic, accept responsibility. Apologies for your excuses, embrace that you are guilty of making them.

No one is perfect, neither am I. But we can choose to walk on a path that is true in nature, realistic and rough, cause dark roads often lead to beautiful destinations
Hoping to see a positive change in you. Thank you for reading
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