If you missed it last night, here's my latest article, on fertility concern-trolling and how it reduces trans men to body parts in the name of protecting those body parts from, well, trans men. https://twitter.com/e_urq/status/1387506812937768965
My editor asked for more quotes at one point, and I successfully begged off bc the examples were so vile I didn't want them in my piece.

One phrase I did quote, however, was "healthy breasts" which appears in basically every conservative op-ed of this type.
I despise the phrase "healthy breasts". It gives me the absolute willies to imagine a conservative anti-trans activist saying this combination of syllables with their lips and their tongues.
"Healthy breasts" is everything wrong with the transandrophobia distilled to two words.

See, conservatives don't really believe in the equality or agency of female-bodied people.

Which means it's easy for them to think of our bodies as the whole of our selves
To them we're not even people, we're breasts and baby-making bodies. We have no right to control our own destinies any more than a farm animal would.

Our bodies are our destinies, and our bodies say "wife" and "mom" and nothing else.
When people pretend trans men don't experience sexism, all I can do is laugh.

The sexism only steps up when someone from the lower sex-cast has the impudence to declare themselves a man. The insistence that we are and can only ever be our tits and our vaginas grows deafening.
I hate the word emasculating because it's a sexist concept, but it's hard to avoid when we're constantly told we're not good enough to be men. Too emotional, too flighty, too prone to "social contagion".

Ruining our "healthy breasts" for some fad. Don't know what's best for us.
It's wonderful to pass for cis male. But trans men are not "accepted" just bc we're seen as unthreatening.

Being unthreatening is itself sexism against us. Being unthreatening is what makes transphobes think they can control us and make us behave.
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