THREAD: 5 Reasons why Infinity Train needs to get renewed:
1. It's an awesome show for all ages ESPECIALLY kids. kids just like all age groups, also enjoy diversity in show types that they can watch. Kids also love stuff that gets them to think and start to understand the world around them and the best way to do that is to show (1/2)
realistic characters that appeal to all ages like in #infinitytrain #renewinfinitytrain
2. Even if the show doesn't necessarily appeal to all kids, it's still a show that we didn't know we needed until we got it. With it following in the footsteps of Adventure Time and Steven Universe (exploration of mental health and dark themes), 2 of the most successful show(1/2)
s on the network, the show is obviously gonna be just as much as a hit if marketed the right way. #renewinfinitytrain
3. Anime is clearly extremely diverse with its age range which is why a lot of US teens watch Anime. Anime deals with a lot of topics that are as mature as Infinity Train and that is why it appeals to teens and brings a lot of viewers in. Why can't cartoons have that? There (1/2)
are cartoons for children and adults but none for teens. Cartoons for teens can pull viewers, and we see that everyday with anime. #renewinfinitytrain
4. This show is unfinished. We were left on a cliffhanger with a lot of mystery left to solve. (Spoiler warning) Book 5 was supposed to have Amelia, One-One and The Cat which we've all seen before. If the issue is that the book doesn't have a child entry point, well 5 year (1/2)
old me would have loved already known characters being developed even more. #RenewInfinityTrain
5.  On a more heart to heart talk, this show has helped so many people mentally, including myself. Seeing so many characters go through realistic struggles is refreshing for us. It connects and resonates with us, especially with the diversity of the characters. It also makes (1/2
us realize we are not alone and that the first step to becoming a better person is to realise the problem and work on it. This is a message that is needed to be heard, for it isnt depicted that often in shows nowadays. #renewinfinitytrain #finishinfinitytrain
Overall it's an amazing show that deals with loss, love, friendship, mental health, mental illness, hurt, anger, revenge, remorse, sadness, madness, happiness, and so much more. Please RT this thread and watch infinity train if u can! #RenewInfinityTrain
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