This thread might sound like a typical Liberal boot-licking up-to the Left Government in Kerala. You can agree or disagree with the left ideology or economic policy. But you cant ignore that it is possibly the best managed so far. You guys need to visit 
The sheer attention to detail and data is mind boggling and unheard of in this part of the world.
They have the most useful data upfront and accessible to people at a single link unlike most other states
They have a transparent info dashboard of available vaccine stocks and active vaccine centers. The vaccine brand everything.
They have the defined costs of the type of tests right on their dashboard so people know exactly how much the testing is going to cost in private centers.
They have a section for the number of meals and type of organization where the meals were provided during the last years national lockdown which led to people losing their jobs because of Covid
Hotlines for people suffering from any kind of mental issues during quarantine or job loss. number of calls, and classification by type of mental illness. Suicide prevention, Addiction. You name it.
District wise data on homeless rehabilitated
Classification of volunteers for COVID disaster relief
CM Relief fund Inflow and allocation in a transparent manner.
The sheer amount of data for a Indian state is just astounding. Most state dashboards end with Covid numbers, if there is a better one of any other state i am unaware of it. The communists seem to be outpacing the free-market guys in management 🧐
The state has had high testing numbers and constantly high case load yet managed largely without a lock-down so far and death rate too in the lower range. That too without much credible reports of data fudging or videos of people being cremated in parking lots
This is the only state in the nation which thought that it would be a important to expand oxygen production during a respiratory virus pandemic. And turns out it is the only state with surplus oxygen.
Final thoughts: Cases are spiking in Kerala rn. and IMO they should look into imposing substantial reduction in high risk activity to reduce spread. Kerala looks like Germany in the first half but Germany too failed in the second half when politics messed things up.
You can control the spread with aggressive contact tracing and reduce deaths substantially, but after a point of time contact tracing becomes difficult and the flood gates open , Hope Kerala keeps up with the low death rate and manages this second surge as well as it did first
Kerala has same pop density as UP.
Kerala has population of 33million Its like Mumbai and Bangalore put together
Total official deaths are 5200. They are testing 1.4 lakhs daily as compared to for eg MP's 60k even though MP has twice the population
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