It is true that the middle class is the most loyal vote bank of Modi & has consistently supported him against their economic interests. But what's happened in the pandemic (for the moment) is much more fundamental- it is the stark devaluation of their enormous relative privilege.
The middle classes have shown themselves willing to forego losses in savings and bear additional taxes for ideological purposes. But what every ruling class in India (including the current one) has guaranteed to the middle classes is that in a country teeming with people they
will be the first in line to access state services. Their network of connections that enables them to maintain their dominance in society & bend rules to always get things done is never threatened.

This second wave has been a great equaliser. Even the most powerful journalists,
MNC professionals, doctors, lawyers etc are struggling to get ambulances and hospital beds for their loved ones, or even to get them a proper cremation/burial.

Their network of contacts accumulated over decades has often failed them. India has faced disasters before but can't
imagine a time when the middle classes were so helpless. To be sure, the poor still have it way worse, the little dignity they were afforded before has been completely flattened. But relative privilege of the middle clases today counts for much less than it ever did.
This is the time where the locus of the dissatisfaction with the Modi government is emerging from the urban middle classes, which still holds disproportionate influence over the production of opinion about politics in the country.

This is not to suggest that there will likely
be a break of the middle classes from the government, but there definitely is bubbling anger. And the seed of it is the breach of this contract- you rule over the government, keep the lower orders in check,
and we will lord over society. No crisis can reach our doors, our privilege will protect us, and everything is a phone call away. That lies shattered. This is the sort of shock that can force a re-evaluation.
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