Here is a short thread in the continuing story of the amazing Dolly-Parton-themed sloppy joe featured in the photograph below. So, firstly, it’s awesome and I posted this tweet about it, and then...!
... I was in the @QVWCmelb shop because A) it’s awesome and I bought a fetching scarf (pictured) and also B) I was attending a women’s Iftar dinner where the @Katie_Footscray was representing @GabbyWilliamsMP, and THEN...
... @Katie_Footscray hadn’t seen the shop, so I took her in and GUESS WHAT HER EYES IMMEDIATELY FELL UPON.

You don’t need to be told - it is the greatest sloppy joe of all time and now she owns it. BUT THEN...
... we went upstairs to the Iftar dinner and @Katie_Footscray encouraged everyone at our table to go to the shop, and showed the amazing sloppy joe to the assembled as evidence as to why. There were gasps of admiration, a sudden flutter at the table, AND THEN...
... one of our Iftar guests ran SO QUICKLY down to catch the slip before closing I didn’t even get to learn her name. Can you guess what she bought?! OF COURSE YOU CAN!

Here are she and @Katie_Footscray at the Iftar dinner.
This thread has been brought to you entirely by me but I absolutely adore the fact my organisation runs a feminist superstore social enterprise which BY THE WAY has a digital shop, right here. God bless St Dolly of Parton and her ongoing miracles. X
You can follow @vanbadham.
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