man I think the biggest mindfuck of Control is how it's completely impossible to search any resources on it.
the game is called "control", it stores files in "packfiles", and the texture format is called "tex"
every one of these search terms is USELESS
Anyway here's the Avoid Modern Technology poster extracted from the datafiles.
In case you want to print it out and hang it up next to your 486
I hate it when my office disappears
his life is in your hands
an interesting thing is that the propaganda posters all have mirrored versions. I don't know if this is a limitation of the engine, like they can't mirror textures by changing texture coords, but whatever. So most of them are just mirrored, except this one: the text is different
there's a set of images under uiresources/.../4k/.../outfits which I don't think are actually used in the game? they also seem to show versions of the outfits predating the ones seen in the game.
Like, this seems to be the janitor outfit:
compare that to how it actually looks in the game.
it's not just lit differently, there's fundamental texture/model differences.
here's a selection of outfits to compare to
here's the first one in this folder. You can tell which one it is, but the coloring is totally different!
the candidate suit.
looks pretty similar, but no numbers on this version
the office assistant looks basically the same, although the belt buckle is different
earlier version of the Civilian outfit?
I think this is a version of the Tactical Response Outfit? They heavily redesigned this one.
expedition gear
extradimensional suit is basically completely redrawn
I think what happened was that they redesigned how the outfit-picking system worked. In the released game you pick from a list, with a live 3D preview.
maybe in an earlier (or prototype) version, you selected from a list of pictures?
and when they switched away from that, they forgot to delete out the old textures for it, and then didn't keep them updated with outfit changes
laiha/batch01/danger_sign_large_hotline_warning_d.tex (cropped and rotated)
paper_poster_internet_usage_d.tex in the same folder.

cropped from textures/objects/screens.
in case you want a background
oh god it turns out dumping 850 images into paint .net to load at once is a bad idea
it hit 13gb of RAM in use before I killed it
the way textures only define pixels on the valid parts and stretch at the edges is only slightly creepy
picture_jessue_hedron_d.tex in textures/objects/props even has "placeholder" written right on it.
this text is so temp that it says it's temp and then just quotes the twilight zone
more propaganda posters!
(that's not a typo. it definitely is named "stabler")
don't let mold hitch a ride!

the font matching here only slightly hurts me
man, the FBC employees should unionize.

poster_med05_d.tex seems to just be an unaltered photo of nixon
textures/props/signs/identification_signs_stop_technology_d.tex (rotated and cropped)

another good sign to put near your retrocomputers
textures/props/papers has a couple missing person posters.
The first is Anton Nikolaienko, who is a technical director at Remedy.
The second is "Jane Farland", who is... Kamala Harris?
spotted by @Kumerish here:
The next one is Steve Fair who is not anyone I can figure out. The name and picture don't bring anything up.
same goes for Mike Pennington
the Jesse Faden election poster
This is referenced in the game but I didn't think this poster actually appeared anywhere?

this is just a screenshot from Alan Wake.
videos are stored in .tex files too, but it's a different format and I don't know how to decode it yet.
they're "kb2" files from the header, but googling "kb2 movie" gives me a teen comedy called The Kissing Booth 2
AWWW YEAH WE'VE GOT FLOPPY_DISK_D.TEX (in textures\\dhruva\\batch11)
I didn't that was the one that you get for Telekinesis Powers but looking closer it turns out it is, it's just lit weird.
ok the video files are Bink 2 video files, and play just fine in the RAD Video Tools.
I guess it makes sense: there's no audio in any of the videos.
They encode the audio and video in separate files, because localization (EXCEPT ITALIAN)
actually I think they use the same video for every Hotline call. They just change the audio
some good warning signs
ahh, placeholder credits.
so the reports seen in the game with the backed out words are generated at runtime, they're not static pictures, but... the text under the redactions are just "redacted" or "redacteeeed"
this is in locale\\en\\string_table.bin
AH-HA! not always!
here's how that looks in the game.
it plays footage of REDACTED except it turns out it's not redacted underneath. it says "Ahti"... like everyone expected anyway.
she "blanked" her "blank" into the item.
Turns out it's "placed her hand"
"an interrogation performed by agent Hewitt" is what it says.
the death of "32" agents
oh and Alice "WAKE" is what it says.
refer to file 1-04-0004
this one is just a fuckup.
The first line is supposed to say "The item belonged to [REDACTED REDACTED]" but they put the <em> in the wrong place.
The "Artic Queen" and the "Pink Flamingo"
As they investigated the noise, "dimensional rupturing" along the south side of the building caused it to collapse inward. Wooden creates in accelerated physical "movement resulting" from "the item" rendered...
The found AI63 at the original of the "lethal altered effect"
designed to identify and track "paranatural" entities
"NORTHMOOR" Sarcophagus Container
and that's all the redactions that have anything but misspellings of "REDACTED" behind them.
and that's enough datahackery for one day. maybe later I'll build a death generator for this
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