One of the reasons Eloise is my favorite of the Bridgerton heroines is because she does not settle. She’s doesn’t NOT want to get married. She just doesn’t want to get SETTLE. There is a difference and this whole idea that women’s ONLY two options are marriage and non-marriage
Is so damaging to women because we have other options besides that. Eloise is perfectly happy being single until the age of 28, when AT THE TIME that would be considered spinsterhood. She decides to change that because she finally, after YEARS, meets a man who makes her happier
Thank she already was single. She meets someone who she wants to share her life with. Isn’t that what marriage or relationships are supposed to be about??? This idea that getting marriage will somehow lessen a woman’s independence is a YOU problem if you think that
Marriage (or being with someone) takes something away from you instead of adding something to your life. It means YOU are settling for subpar men. But that is literally not Eloise’s fault nor problem. She waited for a man that was her equal and she refused to settle for less
The amount of spelling mistakes I made in this thread lmao I swear I speak English I was just heated
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