Ooh thanks Sophie. Why hello @DailyMirror! Some fun facts for you:
- Basking sharks eat an animal about the size of a garden pea
-They have a REALLY TINY throat, so even if somehow you got in their mouth, they CAN'T physically swallow you https://twitter.com/sophiepavs/status/1387671303067521024
- The likelihood of you getting in the mouth is VERY slim, given they can sense miniscule plankton from miles away in an enormous ocean. You'd actually have to try pretty hard
- Their brain is about 10cm in size so...not much cunning, man-eating thoughts going on
- Humans actually almost drove basking sharks to extinction. We hunted them for their oil-rich livers, and because they are so slow and gentle were able to take 1000s in a year. That's just in the UK.
So, in conclusion, they should be terrified of us. Not the other way round.
Please, before you write sensationalist headlines, do some research, as it's actually pretty damaging to marine conservation and the protection of endangered species. Cheers, loves
Oh! Before I go, I fixed it:
"Basking shark TERRIFIED by non-aquatic mammal on weird floating device" - 'I'm just filtering plankton with my sieve mouth, as you do, when this THING approaches. My pops was murdered for his liver and fins so, close call!' (Brian the basking shark)
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