changed my bio ! for ##, you can call me bun, they/bun pronouns and im uncomfy with gendered terms ! for ?!, you can call me ellie, he/they pronouns, comfy with most gendered terms ! for ••, you can call me bun, he/they/bun pronouns and no gendered terms.
gendered terms remain a very sensitive issue for me as i can experience gender dysphoria at times,, sometimes even when im ?! i’d rather not be referred to with fem terms. ive settled on not having male in my range of fluidity (?) but i will continue to use he/him and masc terms.
ill probably continue to change my bio while i get more comfy, i might even settle for changing my bio in general every time so there’s no confusion and i can set my terms w/o being restricted by symbols but that’s just food for thought,, if i decide on it, ill update this thread
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