lyrics i feel like will make an appearance in lt2/things that inspired lyrics in lt2 — a thread that'll embarrass me the day lt2 comes out
"key to the whole universe"
"On his ladder in the mist,
he is as light as a feather,

He looks towards the sky
which has lost its honey-coloured planet,

He offers his only possession
as if ... his marble were the moon."
"copy of a copy of a copy" or "broken beaks and dead birds can't get through the glass" (this'll probably be the only correct one"
and then a song that references to broken glass/breaking the barriers
reference/continuation to otb especially the line "it's a church of burnt romances and I'm too far gone to pray"
the golden ratio or 1.618/something about going round and round in circles
"a single box to create a hundred different patterns" or the 369 pattern building system
or it could also be puzzle pieces/twisting pieces to make them fit in/"fixing things" so that they blend in with the background
— end of thread bookmarking this so that i can bring it back when lt2 drops
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