At last night's City Council, @DevynsKeith IDed problems that exist when cop culture means officers feel they can't do the right thing. Sadly, no one asked about evidence of cultural problem at HPD in the HPCAC report. Please share this thread, we deserve answers. #alpolitics
HPD officers openly mock another officer for NOT using force beyond what was necessary.
@huntsvillecity lawyer Hamilton made a big deal about how HPD uses only "necessary force" in their use of force spectrum. The report pretty thoroughly refutes that. He also talks about their "duty to assist". HPD openly mocked injured protesters and refused to aid them.
Despite confirming that a protester wasn't throwing a glass bottle, an HPD officer shoots a protester in the face with bean bag rounds, then tells another it WAS glass, to pressure that officer into using force as well. Because they "Don't play nice in Huntsville"
Think higher ranking officers don't contribute to this culture? Think again. After witnessing a female officer diving on two protesters she'd already pushed to the ground, a captain and sergeant pull her off. When she persists attacking the protesters, the sergeant joins in.
Here, a Captain tells his subordinate to *turn off his body camera*, once he realizes he's been recorded saying "Put your hands on me, and I’m going to change the channel from HBO to Showtime." Hard to imagine accountability from a department with this kind of culture.
Even people in compliance with the order to disperse were treated to OC spray and threats of tasers. No regarding for the seriousness of OC spray or tasers, HPD treats them like toys.
You can't call it "transparency" when police openly flout body camera rules. Massive time gaps, cameras pointed away from police activities. Turning off cameras as they brag about Use of Force.
Multiple body cameras were not even turned over to the HPCAC, in a direct violation of the City Council's order. To date, no account for how many BWCs were witheld or why Police Chief McMurray didn't turn them over...
But then, inventory management doesn't appear to be a real concern of Chief McMurray. Despite his claims that he doesn't support the use of rubber bullets, one HPD officer was caught on camera claiming he used experimental finned rubber rounds on protesters.
In this trial, police REPEATEDLY made claims that are not backed up even by the BWC footage they presented, much less what was reviewed by HPCAC.
HPD has really only been honest about one thing, and that's that night, they were there to "fuck people up".
I'll add more to this as I go through my notes. It just really caught me off guard to know I read all of this and Mayor Battle and the City Council failed to ask ONE SINGLE QUESTION. Chief McMurray has already said no one was punished. This is not accountability. #dosomething
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