I honest to god forgot I made that thread
So to start off
Okay cock ‘n balls. I at least didn’t share your Twitter handle or your profile.
I didn’t say ANYONE
He didn’t just pull it out of his ass
If he used his account without the picture you don’t like, he’s be limited because of the phone he used to have
Now that he has a new phone, he wouldn’t be as limited.
Also we just gonna ignore this?
You could’ve just MADE A NEW SERVER with the same people instead of doing exactly what a hypocrite would do
You don’t remember?
Leaf today at 1:05 pm
‘Yeah of course you don’t respond.’
‘Can’t think of anything that would make you in the right?’
‘Of course you cant’
‘Because you’re Aqua’
Scroll back up to the 4th thing in this thread.
1. No, he doesn’t.
2. Well?
3. Stage 1. Denial
4. Give one example of someone outside the group
That’s all
la creatura
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