“by purchasing acceptance through conformity, you are only adding another cell to the prison” https://twitter.com/OfficialGami/status/1387605374597926913
this quote is really relevant here
why the fuck do we care about a female emoji with a beard? women can have beards. fem-presenting people, female or not, can have beards. who cares? why do we need to appease cis people who probably wouldn’t understand us anyway?
i see this mentality with a lot of non-binary exclusionary trans people. they have the foolish notion that if they denounce NB people and lick transphobe boot, they’ll be accepted. it’s ridiculous. cis people aren’t transphobic because of non-binary people, they’re...
transphobic regardless of whether the person is binary or not. it’s such a moronic position to take. you think that once they’re done shitting on non-binary people, they won’t come for you? that’s stupid. it’s the same mentality LGBdroptheT types have.
(not to say i think gami is enby-phobic, i don’t know her position on non-binary people. just making a comparison here)
it’s so stupid. believe me, if a cis person is able to accept trans people and see us as the genders we are, they’re probably not gonna give two shits about a woman with a beard. socially speaking, trans people challenge social norms wayyyyy more than women with beards do.
again, it’s a moronic position to take. it’s focusing on such a small thing. i see this too much in trans spaces. we focus on little things like this and cry about how bad they are for us optically. but a bearded women emoji is the least of our fucking problems
anti-trans bills have been introduced in over half the country. one of the most watched television hosts in america, tucker carlson, called us a “threat to the perpetuation of the species”. trans people are being forced to detransition left and right because of the backlash...
they experience just for being themselves, and all the media can clutch their pearls about is how the transes are the end of biological wombyn’s sports
so i’m sorry, but i cannot bring myself to give two shits about a little cartoon woman with a beard, with everything else going on. again, and i *cannot* stress this enough: who cares?
i started this thread with a quote from ContraPoints’s video TransTrenders, so I’ll end it with that as well
in it, the characters of tiffany tumbles and justine talk about the three common explanations used when proving trans people are the gender we say we are: transmedicalism (male and female brains), “i’m a woman bc i ID as one”, and the performative gender theory
after the two find flaws within all three of these explanations and subsequently reject them, they are left wondering “what do we tell cis people? how do we explain and defend the validity of our trans existence?”
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