The United States pandemic *mess* is that well-protected impatient elites are obsessed with pushing activity to the exact edge of what they believe is safe and they prioritize minimizing their own inconvenience over stopping transmission. Nonstop bickering over the wrong things.
Just take a second and consider the total absurdity of debates over intricate non-binding permission systems about special settings when you don’t have to wear a cloth face covering... as actually important issues like OSHA standards draw little attention and 5,000+ die per week.
One claim is that special permissions will substantially increase vaccine uptake. But that seems to just be an assertion that evolved into conventional wisdom. We’re left with confusion and misplaced priorities, and probably undermined participation in an important intervention.
In terms of arguments claiming there is some of kind restrictions fatigue budget that can be exhausted and jeopardize compliance (never-mind much stronger restrictions in other countries), it’s hard to see how this entire process and outcome is easier than not changing the rule.
Overall, the specific rule change probably isn’t a major factor in either transmission or vaccine hesitancy. Instead it’s a distraction around a broader signaling of further reopening and normalization of activity despite high transmission and a large unvaccinated population.
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