Fuck it I’m making a bojack horseman livetweet thread https://twitter.com/catprisms/status/1387635504871395336
Still on episode one I had to stop because I got insanely depressed for some reason.
But I think it’s funny and it almost got real for a second but we powered through! Also mr peanut butter is very funny I like him a lot :]
This is so surreal just like real life
Did this mf just have a heart attack is that the end of the show
Bpd sucks so bad actually this is terrible
This guy is straight up a HORSE. what the fuck.
Diane you are so messed up
Autism queen
His name is BO JACK?? What the actual fuck.
WOAH mr peanut butter Diane dating plot twist and it’s only episode one
Cats cameo
This guy is insane
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