I'm gonna be real with y'all for a moment, and just let it go. I honestly don't know what non-vegans' endgame is. You hate us when we make plant centered dishes, you hate us when we make meat substitutes. You don't understand veganism, and you hate it with a passion.
You repeat the same 30 arguments. You ignore the answers we give. The reasons we give them. We're not taking away your non-vegan items. They're right there on the shelf where you left them. Yet get angry when vegan alternatives pop up. The majority of the world hates us
for things that either don't affect them in anyway, or that they Agree with (Animal abuse is bad, save the planet, save the whales etc.). You want us to leave you alone, and stay far away, yet every week, get viral tweets hopping on the newest vegan video of the week.
Eager to share your opinion/murder fantasy. You hate us, without knowing us, and are obsessed with us, while wanting to avoid us as much as possible. You tell us to stay in the shadows yet drag us into the spotlight to boo us.

I'm frustrated because I don't understand.
If we're pushy you hate us. If we're "live and let live" plant-based hippies, you hate The Idea of our existence. You can't even let us talk about vegan dishes to help Other Vegans. (See Viral tweet example above) .

I don't know what they want from us. I really don't.
This was sort of a ramble, and doesn't have the tacit points I generally give, because...I was trying desperately to solve a problem that has no solution. It's really frustrating.
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