I'm doing research for my research paper and I thought that this quote is especially pertinent in today's environment surrounding mcyttwt:

"At any point the performer may choose to reject or not acknowledge them. Rather than descend into a murderous resentment rage, +
the characteristic response of fans on such occasions is to feel a degree of disappointment and nostalgia for past performances, or to search for another performer who will provide fresh pleasure." (Duffett, 2013)

This chapter I'm reading is kind of a rebuttal to the common +
assumptions that most critics make of mcyt stans in particular for being in a fandom (which linguistically is now kind of equivalent to being a 'stan' of something). It describes an assumed 'slippery slope' that being a fan will descend a person down. But this interpretation +
doesn't capture at all the way that most fandoms (and this stan community that I'm a part of) work. I would say this quote in particular can apply loosely to creators like T3chno (where the 'rejection' was no apology for racist tweets/comments), and sleepytwt was mostly able +
to move on and refocus on other creators like the rest of sbi or the beeduo. However, those that weren't huge fans of sbi were mostly the ones that filled out the 'rage' part of the backlash. Even with Dream, for those who kind of just fell out of his content or didn't like the +
way he handled his controversies/didn't accept his apologies— they moved on to new creators or content. If a minuscule minority of people did end up descending into this 'murderous rage' detailed in the quote, it isn't something that Dream himself cultivated- hell, at the +
time this book was published Dream was about 12 years old. Honestly, from my reading and experiences (in mcyttwt, can't speak about other twts) these things that people are criticizing aren't new phenomena- the cases described in the book date back to the mid-to-late+
20th century. ig this is also a defense of Dream from critics who are making outlandish claims that Dream cultivates this— even if he detested it, he spoke out against it, the dangerous subculture would very much still exist but in a way that's worse than it is now. By being out+
in the open, these practices are able to be openly criticized and called out by the larger fan community as being dangerous and not representative of the fandom as a whole. anyways the middle section about t3chno and Dream wasn't worded properly but this thread is a good marker +
for my thoughts on this chapter so please ignore this I just need to write my paper on this and twt won't let me save my drafts lol
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