OK here's what I really think. 1/ https://twitter.com/jvipondmd/status/1387519641799462914
"But indiscriminate restrictions that people ignore broadly are not an effective tool." Restrictions aren't automatically ignored. They worked in the first and second wave. They need enforcement. There's no reason to believe they wouldn't work now. 3/
"U know Peru had by far the strongest and longest-lasting lockdown in the world, and they also had one of the worst rates of infection and fatality" Cherry picking one country where restrictions didn't out of hundreds where it did is not good evidence. https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/the-texas-sharpshooter 4/
"Right now, our measures are... almost identical to those of BC. their #s are going down but they're going up in AB." Mild restrictions for 3 weeks, and cases continue to climb. The policy should by now be reflected in the data. We are losing. Who cares what is happening in BC?5/
We need: Move to online schooling for all grades in all areas of the province. Closure of non-essential business and retail. Work from home for all who can. Limit in-person essential retail to 15% of fire code AND ENFORCE. Vaccinate frontline essential workers. and more. fin/
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