I’m so proud of junkai. He’s really such a dedicated actor. Losing 20 pounds and only being 90ish pounds when he’s 182 cm, not showering and his hair becoming oily, not changing his clothes often, to fit the role of meng chao. Junkai is truly an actor
The director saying junkai’s face didn’t fit the role of meng chao at first because meng chao is a juvenile outlaw. After hearing junkai speak in chongqing dialect, the director thought that this kid is pretty good. The concept of this film is not easily understandable, not +
something a child can understand at once. But junkai understood, he had a very clear understanding and judgement about the situation. And then after hearing junkai in chongqing dialect, the child on the street (meng chao’s character) came out.
Then the director asked junkai to lose weight to make his face thinner to fit the character. When they met again, the director was startled by the contrast.

Junkai seriously worked so hard for this role. He lost a lot of weight but I also want to remind people he did it very +
healthily. He basically let go of the junkai we see normally. He was no longer Wang junkai who goes to events in nice outfits and all of that. The director said that during the process he said very few words. He would avoid the eyes of others. And u also don’t want to talk with
him bc it feels like there are dark thing in his heart. He became meng chao. As mentioned before junkai didn’t really shower or change clothes. And the director patted junkai’s head wanting to encourage him. But when he did that he felt that his hands were oily and dirty and +
Wiped it on junkai’s clothes. The director said he isn’t just saying this to say it, “他真的太”狠”了”。basically saying junkai is very relentless and dedicated.
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