If I had an enormous rabbit I wouldn't be on the news just holding it up.

I'd be on the news for using it to rob a bank or mug someone, or something.
I mean come on, you've got a huge ass rabbit. Just holding it up is a waste of a perfectly good giant rabbit.

You're telling me you've never even considered walking into a bank brandishing your enormous rabbit and demanding everyone get on the fucking floor
You're telling me you've never considered going viral on social media by pretending your dog groomer has drastically and inexplicably fucked up your dog's haircut
I just feel if I had an enormous rabbit I'd be having a lot more fun with it than the people who own enormous rabbits.
I'd *definitely* put this rabbit in a pram and freak out parents by feeding my baby fistfuls of raw vegetables
"oh my god you can't feed a whole head of cabbage to a baby!"

*reveals it's a giant rabbit*
Walk into a fancy restaurant, order their finest salad, then whip this monster bunny out and we're wearing matching formal attire
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