while we’re on the topic of m4rkprint i wanted to come forward and share some things about how uncomfortable they had made me and a lot of my friends feel.. however while i was collecting ss they had deactivated so i can only share so much and i’m sorry for that
also i’m pretty sure they moved accounts and deactivated their old one so my first convo with them is completely gone, so again i’m so sorry about that
so kai would always mention how i was a big acc and would put me on this pedestal even tho i said many many times that i was just a normal mark stan,, which i am,, but then they started getting into having a crush on me
this wasn’t anything new because they had done this to me previously where they would say they liked me and wanted to date me but then they would say it was a joke while simultaneously dming the same thing to my friend (yumarkist)
they would dm me they love me and stuff mind you we had barely ever talked before in dms except when they told me they had a crush on me the first time just from seeing me on the tl,, and i’m a nice person so i didn’t want to make them feel bad until it got weird
one day they asked me if i would hug them for 1k and i said yes because who wouldn’t hug someone for money? but they started getting all guilt trippy with me and trying to make me feel bad for choosing money over love? i guess? to the point i got uncomfortable
so i told them i was uncomfortable and also called them out for being kinda manipulative because as someone who’s been manipulated before it again made me even more uncomfortable then them saying they love me even tho we barely ever spoken
there was also a time where they added me into a gc with a bunch of other markzens and nct roleplay acc’s? which was very weird and when i said something about how weird it was they got all “sad”, said some manipulative stuff and then left the gc
trying to say it was my fault,, i was looking for ss from the gc but that’s when i realized they had deactivated so whatever was in that gc and me dming their very first acc is no longer there so it’s up to you to believe me on this or not
again this didnt only happen to me this happened to a lot of my friends and i remember we would text each other in a gc comparing what was said and our other friends would tell me to block them but again i was nervous that if i did that and was “mean” to them
they would make guilt tripping tweets about me and then blame me for things out of my control and i really did not want that on me. now i’m sorry about the long thread and not speaking up sooner but i just wanted to move on and forget about it cause it was so fucking weird.
but seeing them flirt with minors on their tl just makes me wonder if they’ve ever done this to people besides me and my friends who may have been younger than us at the time.
sorry this thread is kind of a mess but i do have ss from my gc where we all talked about kai and i forgot some of the stuff that had happened but here’s more
i also forgot that this had happened but adding this because i remember when i first got it i was kind of like ??? also i did just turn 19 at this point so i was legal but it was still very weird in my opinion and i didn’t like it
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