Hi I’d really like to complain about this fandom ive seen on tiktok bc it’s kinda pissing me off and ppl are dumb. Attack me or whatever I rlly don’t care
Ok with the whole “we’re gonna ban Charli bc her fans banned Tommy” is so fucking stupid. Why are they trying to ban her? She can’t control what her 11 year old stans decide to do on the internet- they’re banning her bc apparently oh they banned tommy or whatever
-but last time I checked tommy doesn’t even care? Idk I find it really dumb lmfao also its the same thing as saying “don’t hate on dream he can’t control what some of his stans may do” so really the whole thing is very hypocritical imo
I have more about this but I don’t have access to what I wrote and my memory is bad so I don’t remember my other points
Also the whole weird thing w Addison is dumb bc there’s no proof and it just SOUNDS like a lie (bc it clearly is),, people really believe things way to easily

Anyways this thread will probably be deleted soon anyways just needed to complain
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