reminder: it’s okay that I call myself a disabled woman.

it’s not your place to decide whether I should use person-first or identity-first language. I don’t have to meet your criteria of what a “real” disabled person is either.

when I call myself disabled, don’t argue with me.
being disabled doesn’t negate traits like being intelligent, physically attractive, or strong-willed. nor do these traits negate the reality of my disability.

but because I hold my own, you can’t pity me to make yourself feel better. so then I must not be truly disabled. huh.
you don’t get it, disability is good. it’s not something to be feared. my disabled body is GOOD.

and for the love of God, I am enough! stop telling disabled people they have to be “normal” to be enough! we have beat our brains out trying to be like you. we are enough!
my name is Lizzy Grace and I am disabled + loved. I’m not lacking. I’m not a charity case. I’m not weak, and I’m undoubtedly unbroken.

I love my scar-adorned body, each one reminding the world that I am alive. and I, with every scar on my body and beat of my heart, am enough.
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