I will be voting for @PeteDurnell of the @reformparty_uk for West Midlands Mayor.
After reading into the commitments of each candidate I came away with a few thoughts:
• The Lib Dems would decimate small business’, so would the Greens - the Libs UBI scheme is economically [->]
illiterate, the Greens @AOC style Green Industrial Revolution may be one of the worst ideas I have seen come from a Green Party candidate in the past decade.

• Labour were immensely vague with their commitments, the candidate simply offered nice sounding platitudes.

• The current Mayor @andy4wm, who is a Tory (the party I’m a member of) has a decent plan however it would be more of the same. A lot of corporate handouts as expected from the Neoconservative-era Tories, taxes thrown into a black hole, Classic cronyism. Now Andy isn’t bad, [->]
neither is he good. IMO.

The reason I will vote for Mr Durnell is simple - better tax transparency, a focus on small business’ (which is of personal importance to me and my community). His policies come across as populistic, which is great, and I encourage people to read [->]
into his commitments (As I don’t want this thread to go into everything as it won’t be as concise as I want it to be) 🌸🙏🏻💮
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