OMG, the horror!
Turns out, the evil, godless, horrible commie Soviets had universal day care. And because we all know that EVERYTHING Soviets had led to Gulags, we must all reject it.
Yes, Sen. Antebellum Twang is 100% correct. We did have universal day care. I will elaborate...
Yes, the USSR was a terrible country, @MarshaBlackburn, one you are extremely lucky to have never lived in or know much about.
But you will need to rev that Antebellum Twang up real good to explain to me how universal medical care in the USSR was a worse deal than under the Tsar.
See, in Tsarist Russia, medical care was strictly private and completely unreachable to 90% of the country. Which had to subside on prayer, chewing willow bark and stuffing burdock leaves up their assholes for treatment from most common ailments. It usually cured them of life.
Soviet medicine was, to put it mildly, bad. Unlike you, I have spent time in a Soviet hospital (the roaches teach you to sleep with your mouth shut real fast) and know what I am talking about.
But it beat THE SHIT out of having some Rasputin look-alike feed you leeches c. 1911.
Soviet education was, to put it mildly, uneven. Liberal arts instruction was ideologized, rigid, incredibly boring and old-school. STEM disciplines were taught with the iron fist and, let me tell you, we were goddamn math geniuses compared to American kids. Miles and miles above.
Our colleges were much worse than yours. Though, with them being free, it was still a nice deal. And, once again, it beat THE SHIT out of Tsarist Russia, where only like 5% of the population was literate. My Empire-born great-grandma was taught how to read by my Soviet-born mom
Oh, and speaking of my Soviet-born mom, she was pretty grateful for that universal day care when she, a divorced 25-year-old with a 3-year-old son, working full time for 120 rubles a month, did not have to spend a kopeck on my preschool education and daytime needs.
If I were born under the Tsar, I am sure I'd wind up being tied to a tree by the wheat field somewhere.
You see, Sen. Antebellum Twang, comparing a country that no longer exists to your country is not really honest or fair or informative. You compare it to what it replaced.
By any metric, USSR sucked. But it did improve on Tsarist Russia in a couple of ways, a fact that nobody who knows the country's history ever doubts. And childcare, education, science and medicine were those areas of improvement, @MarshaBlackburn.
But hey, if you are going to operate under the postulate that EVERYTHING that the Soviets believed in was bad by definition, more power to you.
BTW, want to guess who else outlawed abortion and criminalized homosexuality?
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