forgive me if i’m wrong here, but the existence of the ideas such as heaven and hell being real would mean that free will does not exist? or something to that extent [THREAD]
i mean that if heaven is real , with every choice you make you would choose the option that would help you get into heaven and not the option you may truly want.
like lets say you want to smoke some devils grass but you choose not too because it may hurt your chances to get into heaven, at that point you’re living to get into heaven instead of living to live
so the thing i’m having trouble with is that heaven and hell is not proven to be real, so it’s up to your faith, well we have people who are going with their faith and sacrificing experiences they may truly want to experience so they can have a better chance to get into heaven
those people are they expressing free will or not? i’m genuinely asking because im stumped, i know @michael_smoore goes into these thread types so i would love your input
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