The conservative right only pretend to care about feminism when they can use it to defend their own patriarchal handmaidens from the mean, nasty left. @MagdaSzubanski, I’m so sorry you’re being targeted by the fragility of these hypocrites.
This great quote from @CelesteHeadlee captures well the role women play in supporting patriarchy.
I also have a highlight on this phenomenon in my Instagram: how the conservative media gaslights women.
Conservative men can claim to be feminists when it suits them (never having to actually prove it) but the women desperate to be included in their club must always declare opposition to it because they know to claim it makes them a threat. See: Julie Bishop
I have certainly expressed my fair share of objectionable tweets, but I’ve never been forgiven or excused or financially rewarded in the way more egregiously vile men of the right are. See: Steve Price, Sam Newman, Andrew Bolt, Mark Latham, Tony Abbott.
And my criticism of women who pander to these systems has always, like Magda, been treated with a kind of pearl clutching horror by the same people who say women shouldn’t be exceptionalised and who, in many cases, have said horrendously misogynistic things themselves.
This is the most I’ve tweeted in a year because I personally find Twitter encourages a kind of poisonous discourse that is bad for my soul. But it’s infuriating to see the same people who indulge in hate speech on the daily pretend they suddenly care about respecting women.
And for those readying to sneer at me as the “queen of hate speech”, no - critiquing patriarchy and misogyny and the systems that privilege men as a class over women is not “hate speech” just because it makes some men feel bad. But you knew that.
And unlike a lot of the men who drive this discourse, I can admit when I’ve erred and reflect on how to be better. I know @MagdaSzubanski is the same. Because unlike men like Bolt and Price and the goblins on Sky News, we want the world to be better for everyone - not just us.
Anyway, that’s enough from me. I’ll go back to the ‘gram now, where I’m only called unrapeable every few weeks and not every day ❤️
Sorry, one more thing - one of the very few “privileges” patriarchal cheerleaders get from the men they pledge allegiance to is the pretence of nominal protection. The most obvious of this is a buffering against the more grotesque misogyny they direct at less compliant women.
A good example of this is in how right wing men love to dismiss feminist women as “ugly” and “crazy” and “unfuckable”. The sharing of bizarre articles about how conservative women are “hotter” is a sad insight into how deeply the right values the male gaze.
If you’ve been raised believing that men’s sexual approval is the most important value you have, the risk of losing it can be terrifying. But men will call any woman ugly if she challenges them, even the most marketably attractive of us.
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