99 days into an already historic presidency, President Biden is giving his first formal address to the nation.

Is that trending? Nope. But #my600lblife is.

This country will be lucky to still be a country by the 22nd century.
There are some reality TV fans feeling very exposed right now. And they don't seem to like it.

Did I hit a nerve?
People keep responding with screenshots that were taken well after I posted this tweet, as if they have no understanding that trending topics change.

And I can't stop laughing, because they seem to be taking this *very* personally.
Turns out it's even easier to whip reality TV fans into a tizzy than I thought. This turned out to be even more fun than I expected.

Never change, you silly shits. Keep focusing on the things that matter, like who's getting that coveted rose. 😂
One of 'em is now just straight-up stalking my timeline and hasn't yet figured out that I said what I said using the hashtag *just* to see how many rabid, brainless reality TV fans would be so upset by it that they couldn't resist the urge to furiously pound on their keyboards.
Right now I wish I had access to the 13-year archive of my tweets, because I have done this fairly regularly and for a long time. It would be fun to go be able to go back through my now-defunct timeline now and add those episodes to this thread.
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