ProTip: Human Generated Captions does not mean CART/Steno (accuracy, quality, synchronized). So if you captioning company says "live" or "human generated" ask if they are "respeaking" captions or editing AI transcribed.
Captions count, make sure you can count on your captions.
For live accurate captions you may find CART/Steno to be the term for word-for-word direct translation of the spoken word to the typed word. Including speaker names and sounds delivered in 250+ wpm and 98%+ accuracy.
#CaptionsCount #captions #CARTCaptions
In educational and other settings find CPrint captions with meaning by meaning translation including names., but not every syllable. Produced with an abbreviation system & often through shared software. Transcript is delivered to learners. #CaptionsCount #captions #CPrintCaptions
Typewell captions are summaries of ideas & concepts in plain language to allow the learner to participate, listen, & follow along. Supporting a variety of disabilities, produced with abbreviations with speaker names/references inserted. #CaptionsCount #captions #TypewellCaptions
Respeaking captions means a person listens, respeaks to AI, edits AI, then sends AI to your system. There is no use of a CART/Steno keyboard. Accuracy & speed vary. The number of steps reduces ability to synch captions to spoken word. #CaptionsCount #captions #RespeakingCaptions
This is not a scientific overview, this is my quick pass to what will fit into a tweet to help distinguish what's "out there" under the term "live" or "human generated" captions. Please feel free to offer corrections to anything I've made in error. #CaptionsCount #captions
You can follow @samspearsevans.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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