According to the official Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter, every piece of Sonic media, crossovers included, is canon.
My contract mandates that I specify that this is simply the cheeky claims of a social media page that in no way reflects the primary work, and is actually false, but you shouldn't harass other people for believing what makes them happy if it doesn't actually hurt other people.
My contract also mandates that I specify that there is no contract, and that I am in no way affiliated with Sega.

So stop asking me highly specified internal questions that are impossible to answer without insider knowledge.

I'm unfortunately just some Sonic nerd. 😔
I could tolerate the unoriginal "Sonichu is canon" jokes but now I'm seeing actual porn in my qrts I'm muting this shit goodbye
I came to check the main post to ensure there's no nsfw content and I can confirm there are at least a hundred comedians between qrts and replies
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