Academic publishers prefer standard serif fonts like Times New Roman for submissions, if you're wondering why. And I'm not a fan of sans serifs, to be honest. They look too webby. I like the print look.
Since we're on the subject of fonts, Del Rey is using a brand new font called Hermann for its "Star Wars: The High Republic" books. As soon as I cracked open the first one, I thought, "This font looks new and different and interesting."
So I looked in the back to see if they included the typeface information, which some publishers do. And lo and behold, there it was.
Yes, I'm one of those people who pays attention to the type a book is set in and checks if the publisher has included that info in the book. Some people judge a book by its cover. I judge it by its type. And with my eyes, type and font size are very important.
And yes, I noticed within ten seconds that I was looking at a font I'd never seen before and that was almost certainly a new typeface. Yes, yes, you don't have to tell me, I'm a giant nerd.
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