In recent weeks, six+ people in DC have died because they were hit by a car. People die on streets that are too wide and hard to cross. Now, on 11st St SE, @DDOTDC wants to make the streets wider and harder to cross. All to make things better for cars.
11th Street south of 695 is 7 lanes and ~75ft wide. To make way for improved bike lanes, DDOT proposed to *narrow the sidewalk* rather than narrow the road. This makes the pedestrian crossing distance even wider. *Seven. Lanes.*
DDOT will also widen the offramp, from 3 lanes/36 feet to 4 lanes/~45 feet. Again, wider and more difficult to cross. All to reduce backups on 695. When the added lane makes the exit more appealing to cars, more cars will use the ramp; backups will persist.
To those who argue not many peds/bikes use this area: First, it's already a horrible area to traverse. Second, in the next decade we'll see the @DCBridgePark, 1333 M St., development around VA Ave Park, and more, all drawing more people through this intersection.
This project is taking us in the wrong direction. There's no reason @DDOT can't proceed with *improving* bike and ped infrastructure *without* widening roads and narrowing sidewalks. To solve backups, we need fewer cars. Period. This is not taking Vision Zero seriously.
If you agree this is not #VisionZero, you need to speak up. Write @charlesallen. Write Interim Director Lott @DDOTDCDirector. Otherwise we're going to commit $$ and time to making our streets less safe. #ANC6B #CapitolHill
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