Back when AC1 was the only AC game out there, AC fans were people who didn't find AC1 boring (even if flawed) - who loved the methodical gameplay, the deep philosophical context, the metaphorical premise of the modern day. Then AC2 swooped in, and it brought with itself SHITTONS
of new people into the AC community. People who loved suave Ezio as opposed to "monotone" Altair, who loved the quick pace and variety, the now changed metaphorical end of the world into literal end of the world with Desmond being a chosen one OMG THE TWIST, the different
approach to the whole franchise. Now I dunno if any of you remember those days, but many AC1 fans were less than thrilled with AC2, at most they enjoyed the game for what it is but it was literally the opposite of what they expected from a sequel (I was among the latter).
But that was the new direction, and while AC did wobble around with some games like Unity coming closer to the roots of AC1, ultimately the pathway set up by AC2 has made the franchise go into a totally different direction from what AC1 has set up.
Now, why I am saying all this. Several years ago AC has experienced another huge shift in direction, this time accompanied with mechanical changes so it feels much bigger. But it's not the first time it happened. And many are discontent with the RPG direction and the new people
it brings. "You are not real fans if RPG Creed games is what you like", they might say. And a lot of these people who complain have in fact started with AC2. Now, I could be petty. I could go "SEE WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO NOT GET A SEQUEL FOR WHAT YOU BECAME A FAN OF".
I'm still waiting for a proper sequel of AC1. The closest I ever got were the new Hitman games, those feel more like AC1 than AC2 ever did. But that's beside the point. ALL THAT IS BESIDE THE POINT. Because ultimately change is inevitable. Sooner or later changes will happen.
How comfortable you are with those changes always depends on where you personally draw the line with what you enjoy in particular. Sometimes 1 change is enough, sometimes more are needed, but regardless, whenever changes get you out of your comfort zone, you have a choice to make
You can wah-wah and cry like a little baby while throwing shit at people who come in enjoying the new thing. Or you can accept the new state of things while argumentatively explaining your position and what you don't agree with, all while welcoming new people into the fold and
letting everyone enjoy what they like.

As somebody who had to make a choice like that 12 years ago, a little spoiler - the latter option is the correct one.

At the end of the day, nothing is true and everything is permitted.
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