Looking for promising early stage crypto projects?

Injective protocol $inj

We all know Decentralized exchanges have been huge in 2021. They are a world changing innovation. Biggest problem with them is that they have very large fees at the moment due to ethereums scaling issues. many investors are priced out.

$inj fixes this
$inj is building a feeless dex, that is projected to launch in June. This could be something huge that will blow up very fast.

They have solid partnerships with binance and other major companies and the team has showed they are serious about executing this project.
They have to sacrifice a little bit of decentralization to achieve this goal of a feeless l2 dex, but this is a project that could provide real value to investors and blow up extremely fast the same way uni and sushi did in 2020
2nd crypto

$wcres crescofin

A legitimate Swiss regulated and audited company that is trying to disrupt the gigantic Swiss banking industry by offering decentralized finance in one of the most professional ways yet.

Solid team.

Only 40 million $ market cap
3rd crypto

Kadena $kda

It’s a blockchain network similar that offers similar functionalities to ethereum with good technological aspect. Many ethereum competitors have pumped heavily recently. Kadena is still heavily undervalued as a layer 2 solution.

$100m market cap
4th crypto

$rose oasis network

Mentioned heavily in the chainlink Whitepaper. This is a layer 2 solution that can connect to all block chains with added privacy, they are heavily backed by the Winklevoss twins amongst others. They are mainly targeting entreprise usage.
With all of the connections they have I could see this becoming something big in the corporate blockchain space and they are still in the early stages of development.

A project like $rose is essential to the mass scale adoption of smart contracts in the corporate world

Not a financial advisor

The entire crypto space goes through pump and dump cycles and there will be a bear market eventually. Don’t think it will all keep going up forever. Even with all the *brrrr*

Do your own research

$rvp revolution populi

I don’t really care much for this project long term but I think it’s worth mentioning because they have a very low market cap $10m and some seriously connected people working on their project. I can see this pumping

Go check out their website
If you’re looking for safer investments into crypto just go into the big 3 Bitcoin/ethereum/chainlink and dollar cost average your way to a stack

By the way I am still invested believe in $ersdl $lcx $eth $btc $link amongst others
You can follow @Zybach12.
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