Many students, including myself, are unable to return to campus because of the COVID-19 which has caused millions of people in the world to become critically ill. Colleges and universities around the world have closed their campuses and moved to remote classes. College is hard
and the pandemic is adding more stress to students. We’re all trying to do our best to adapt to this new way of learning in uncertain times. Switching from in-person classes to remote learning is challenging for some students. However, I have some tips for you.
1. Time Management: Online classes offer flexibility, but this can also lead to a disaster. Students aren’t in the physical presence of their Professor and other classmates so assignments can easily be forgotten. Keep up with deadlines because your professors will not.
2. Communication. Speak up. It’s very important to keep in contact with your professors. Students should take advantage of the professors virtual office hours. It’s best to ask questions and seek clarification for any concerns that you may have regarding assignments.
3. Focus on your organization. I cannot stress how important organization is for college students. Staying organized throughout college is the key to successfully passing your classes. Being organized in your classes will help you complete assignments on time.
4. Don’t stress yourself out. Sometimes college can be stressful but it’s okay to just breathe. It’s also okay to feel anxious during these times so just take things day by day and try to stay positive. If you’re worried about assignments it’s best to reach out for help.
5. Avoid procrastination. Now that most of the colleges and universities are closed, some of us are drifting off due to bad procrastination. Online classes can be boring at times but it’s best to find ways to stay motivated. Remember that you’re in college for a reason.
6. Break time is the best time. In all honestly it’s impossible for students to stay engaged in school all day. Take a break every once in a while and do something that you enjoy to do. Sitting behind the computer isn’t a good thing and will not benefit your academic success.
7. Have faith that you will get through it. At the end of the day if you don’t believe that you’re capable of getting through the semester then you probably won’t. In order to be successful you have to believe in yourself. Of course you still have to put all the work in.
I hope that you enjoyed this thread. I also hope that you find these tips to be helpful. Again, have some faith because you're going to pass your classes. We all can do it. The semester is ending soon. Good Luck.
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