Finally had a doctor willing to do a preliminary evaluation for ADHD.

The response was basically "oh shit you check every box for this how have you been functioning?"

Poorly. I have been functioning poorly.
I recently had one of those 'oh shit' moments of figuring out that nearly everything I thought was a personality quirk was...

Untreated ADHD.

And jesus christ, it's made functioning easier when I know what I'm dealing with.

But doctors are kinda dicks about diagnosing women.
At one point I had the same psychiatrist as a friend at Kaiser. A male friend.

He was diagnosed with ADHD & medicated at his first appointment.

I was told I needed to go to six months of group therapy and pass six months of drug tests before they would consider evaluating me.
Like, if they'd just told me "I don't think you have ADHD," that would have been one thing.

Also, my brother is trans and he has ADHD/ASD.

He was diagnosed as having depression when he still presented as female.

Interesting how that works.

Anyway, here's Wonderwall.
Also, I paid out of pocket for a doctor outside of Kaiser to be evaluated, because apparently it just takes having enough money to throw at a problem to fix it.
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