~A Question Thread For Furries~
Please answer (Quote RT) honestly, and feel free to skip any questions that make you uncomfortable!
1. When did you become a furry and how?
2. Who is your fursona?
3. Who was your first furry friend?
4. Does your fursona have any special abilities?
5. Can you draw furries well? (or at all)
6. How many IRL friends or family know about you being a furry?
7. Did you join the furry fandom on discord, or twitter? (or any social media)
8. How many fursonas do you have?
9. What was your inspiration for your fursona?
10. What are your sona's favorite foods/drinks?
11. Would you recommend becoming a furry to a friend if you have any non-furry friends?
end of thread because i ran out of questions
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