So I haven't talked about this on here... but I've been in group therapy for the last two and a half years.

It's a weekly gay men's therapy group. There are nine of us, and one therapist.

(The last year has all been via Zoom.)
It's run by my individual therapist, and he invited me to join it. We all have him as our individual therapist.

It's a great, smart, perceptive group of guys.
The group is so helpful. I've learned a lot about:

- myself, my self-image, my self-esteem;

- how I perceive other people, and how they perceive me;

- how I *want* to be perceived by other people, and how they want to be perceived by me.
- the assumptions I make about other people, and the assumptions they make about me, and how often these both can be way off from reality.

- how I relate to other gay men.
Another thing I've learned is how difficult it can be for two people to communicate. Each of you is bringing your own background, perceptions, assumptions, issues, and past experiences.

It's miraculous that two people manage to communicate clearly at all. But it can happen!
I'm really thankful for this group, and I hope to continue to learn things from it.
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