We all know Punpun’s appearance change according to his mental state but why did Inio portray him with a pyramid out of all things (from ch78-ch86) ?

and what does Sachi has to do with all of this ?
Around chapter 74, Punpun’s latest romantic experience was with this girl called Azusa.. During his date with Azusa, Punpun tried to fake his personality and be super nice in order to come off as charming to Azusa. And bc of that she actually rejected him. For Punpun, that mome
nt was a double rejection bc the reason why he tried to fake his personality in the first place during the date is because he believes his natural self is gonna hurts/repulse ppl. So that sentiment of rejection from the world can be qualified as his first “rejection” and he felt
like that since a long time now.
But unfortunately even by trying this “perfect” personality during his date with Azusa STILL didn’t work. So Punpun indulged into a state of Cocoon and didn’t want to interact with the outside world ever again.. this cocoon here has the form of a
pyramid and this is what punpun’s appearance during this portion of the manga means… Punpun”s body is inside that Pyramid (that lonely box) and never wants to see anyone again…. (you’d see proof of this at the end of the thread^^)

Well, until he mets Sachi-
But why Sachi out of every girl was the one to be able to get punpun out of his depression state ?

-1st step
Sachi is introduced as a strong woman and re-assures punpun that she can bears his “natural” self so he don’t need to create a fake self or hide himself when hes with her
Ofc punpun was doubtful at first so he tested her by expressing the sexual arousement he had when seeing her public hair last… (this super awkward remark was really just punpun being himself. His real self as Sachi requested. He knows he’s weird so he creates fake persona when
interacting with ppl on a normal basis).
but at punpun’s surprise.. she just laughed it off, she wasn’t grossed out, she acc found it funny. she accepted punpun’s true self: this was the first step into punpun’s rehabilitation

-2nd step: Sachi believed in punpun’s talent as a w
riter whereas Azusa made fun of his work.. this was the 2nd time Sachi genuinely liked something about Punpun’s TRUE self: never had this happened to him

-3rd : and most important:
“Millenials are so arrogant.. thinking you’re so special with your clever words. But when you hit a wall, you just invent justifications for your failure” Sachi basically told punpun he’s pathetic for finding excuses about not looking for a job/for aiko.

Punpun’s response was
: in his mind Sachi is good-looking so it’s easier for her to be confident about everything in life.

And this is the turning point, Sachi reveals to punpun that she got body surgery on everywhere and how much she used to get mocked by everyone prior that
This is SUCH a strong statement for punpun’s character: Sachi’s endured a painful life like himself and was as ugly as himself, she didn’t have no special treatment in life. YET, unlike him, she CHOSE to re-do in her life everything she didn’t like.. whereas punpun kept hiding
himself in his “cocoon/pyramid”…

Sachi is compatible to Punpun in every single lane as we’ve seen here and it’s only natural that after this reveal punpun finally decided to leave his “pyramid/his box that kept him hidden from the outside world” in order to open himself to
the outside world again and trying to CHOOSE to re-do stuff in his own life the same way Sachi did in hers <3.
We all need a strong uplifting human being like Sachi in our lives to inspire us <3.
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