I went to Jefferson’s for lunch today, sat at the bar & ordered a Blue Moon. The bartender carded me, I handed her my NC drivers license no problem. She looked at it then called someone else over to look at it. THEN disappeared into the kitchen with my license.
I was perplexed as I am damn near 50 years old!!! She then comes out and starts servicing other tables, makes no eye contact with me. After 10 minutes I’m starting to get annoyed. Like where is my ID and who has it!
Finally I ask her about my ID and she dismissively states she’s never seen a NC drivers license like mine and she had to have her manager validate it. Are you kidding me?!?! Luckily I had someone with me who is not a POC who demanded my license be returned.
Actually he damn near stomped into the kitchen because he was even pissed about this. The manager appears and only addresses him. Falling back on the weak explanation of my license isn’t one she’s seen before. Needless to say we left.
It is obvious we need a 2021 Green Book to see where POC can dine and not feel unwanted and unwelcome. The way they made me feel almost made me cry. Like what 40+ year old woman is going to have a fake ID to get a damn beer?
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