Lol we should come and talk about some of the many ways the portrayal of ‘self love’ these days are counterproductive.

Eg - rewarding yourself for the little things
If you don’t have a stable income and you do this frequently, it only buys you temporary pleasure; smile now and cry later.
“You only live once” (IMO more reason you should do so with dignity)

Learning delayed gratification is also a form of self love.

Self love isn’t always a quick fix; like dip in a milk bath, getting vampire facials, or going on a shopping spree.

Sometimes it is self control.
Sometimes it is sipping a cup of tea/coffee, and sending that shawarma money to your savings with a smile on your face. (Might even be a frown but sha doing it anyway.)
Self love is making hard decisions now for a better later.

Self love is being honest with yourself about how you’re full of shit & identifying ways to get better, as opposed to reciting “I’m strong, I’m brave, I’m beautiful” in front of the mirror to make all the bad go away.
Like with loving others genuinely, self love means loving every part of yourself {good & bad}.

It is striving to be better as opposed to maintaining the status quo.
Self love is embracing your weaknesses as much as you do your strengths.

Self love should be what you give yourself. It is from you to you. Not from you as a comeback to those who left you.
Your love for yourself is your business. It stops being your business when you need people to validate it. Especially people who are no longer in your life.

You stop loving yourself when you’re “acting” alright. Not perseverance and patience, but simply putting up an act.
You don’t owe anyone a display of your ‘self love’ like you might think you do.

Self love is not a mask, self love is taking off your mask. Self love shouldn’t keep you a prisoner of the past, it is supposed to free you.
So from you to you, are you truly alright? Or are you acting alright? Do you truly love yourself, flaws and all?

Or is ‘self love’ just an extension of your denial of the many things you should actively be dealing with?!
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