And we're off! #Swift season 2021 has started early with bird in box 1. His colour ring read and confirmed as my old male - the very first bird from when we put the boxes up - back for his 8th(!) season! Just delighted!
Summary of #swift drama so far:

2014: Swift A (m) arrives, pairs w Swift B (f).
2015: A+B nest. C+D arrive.
2016: A+B nest. C+D arrive, don't nest.
2017: A+B nest. C+D gone.
2018: A+B nest.
2019: A courts both B and D, then chosing D. B heartbroken.
2020: A+D nest. B single.
I have my Swifts ringed for identification so I can follow the dramas. Here are Swift A and D, colour ringed last year and now better known as EA and CT. It is EA who has arrived today.
For those wondering about B, in 2020, she appeared for a week in May, alone in box 2, before disappearing. I didn't see her again until one day in mid July. Seems she took the divorce pretty hard. She may meet another male this year, or will she get back with A? time will tell...
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