Rebbe Shimon teaches us that every apparent cave (severity/darkness) is, in reality an expression of the light of loving-kindness. A hug demonstrates the loving embrace (chesed) through constricting the beloveds movement (gevurah).
With a hug, the lover holds the beloved “hostage” (Hebrew: שבי) as in:
עלית למרום שבית שבי
the first letters of שבי are
שמעון בר יוחאי
Thus paving the way for us to return the hug that commenced with כפה עליהם הר כגיגית
The Zohar calls mitzvos “eitzos”/“itin” - because while the hug appears coerced to the onlooker, the loving embrace is reciprocated by the beloved.
This is the aspect of
מבשרי אחזה אלוק
From the Torah of rebbe shimon bar yochai (בשר״י, is roshei teivos rashbi)
I will HOLD (אחזה, could mean “to see” but also from אוחז, “to hold”) my God in a reciprocal loving embrace.
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