Fox guest says that homeless people are "colonizing" spaces that belong to people who "worked hard" for their status and it's causing civilization to decline.
If you want to watch a truly Olympian feat of mental gymnastics I have the clip for you.
lmao, of course this is their angle.
This woman is honest to god arguing that Rudy Giuliani is proof that "the Great Man theory of history is correct"
The Manhattan Institute's Heather Mac Donald argues that "the oppositional culture of the ghetto and hip-hop" destroyed Black people's struggle for "bourgeois normalcy" embodied by Ella Fitzgerald and Duke Ellington.
Tucker and his guest agree that the US military is so feminized it's unclear if they could fight a hot war.
These people live wrapped up in their own hallucinations.
Rich lady complains she had to leave NY because evil woke women set too many rules at her pool
Fox guest: Attacking police officers is "attacking the very possibility of civilization" and the end result will be "pure civil war"
"These CEOs, and thank God they're still mostly male, all have wives. Women are the most uneducated and, and-- left wing prays to left wing ideology. And they're pushing their husbands left. They're the least informed women... Females way dominate on the neuroticism axis"
Fox Guest: "COVID is basically the embodiment of a feminine attitude towards the world"
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