Contrary to what many would say, there is no such thing as a “neutral” theology. We all have inherited traditions, assumptions, frameworks, and values that can often socialize and disciple us into bad religion and healthy faith. We should want a faith that’s healthy, not harmful.
Let’s be clear about this: there is no such thing as a singular “Christianity”. There are multiple traditions of the faith where some act more like Jesus than others. Some are the worst of the tradition, some are the best. We must distinguish the two and embody the better.
Now I’m no apologist for a pure Christianity. Our history is complex. Our faith is as flawed as it is beautiful. Enslavement and murder have been justified by it and liberation and love have been fueled by it. In our time and in many ways both are powerfully at work around us.
It’s quite easy to say that people who are embodying and performing bad religion are not “real” Christians and thereby distancing them from any part of our story. No, they are part of the worst of Christian tradition. Our faith is not just theological—it’s also sociological.
Many have been told that this country is Christian, loving, just and that the authorities in Christian faith are white, male, rich, and conservative — that the country and faith is innocent, despite what both have created: those who do not know love, but who do know power.
Instead of realizing that Jesus does not have the same enemies that they have often been led to believe, they tried to make the faith more white, more hateful, and less equal. It is both their historical and theological arrogance that perpetuates such lies and such terror.
Let me remind you, that is not the only Christian tradition. There is also at work in our country the best of us. People out of the street, in the prisons, in the halls of government, in churches, in schools, etc. who are, with Jesus, embodying love, liberation, and hope.
So when people say “Look at those Christians”, we actually should and see ways in which they embody the worst of our tradition and we should commit to trying to embodying a more loving faith, purpose, Jesus, and meaning. I mean, Jesus did say they people will know us by love.
When he says people will know us by the love we show, he definitely knew there would be traditions that look more like power grabs and hatred than loving God and our neighbors. He does not protect himself or us from them. But he does show the possibility of better. That’s faith.
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