What the post is saying: I want to be married so we can pray together

What it’s really saying: I want to be attractive and I want an attractive partner

The image of “prayer” is a facade to mask the very shallow reality of these posts. https://twitter.com/_noorxa/status/1387040190938554378
And like, you do you. If you want to post and share pictures like that, go ahead. I’m just letting you know that a lot of people see through the facade and know that it has nothing to do with prayer, so you might want to be a bit more mindful about the messages you’re putting out
One day inshaAllah we’ll pray together like this
Mandatory clarification, bc Twitter: I’m not shaming people for having desires, nor assuming their intentions. I’m saying that posts like these use religious imagery to express desire in a socially acceptable way, but imo they’re ultimately just expressions of desire. That’s all!
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