Ready to learn about one of my favorite #GoogleSheets macros?

☕ Settle in for a step-by-step guide to automatically resetting filters...
😡 The problem:

I use filters on my data tables all the time, and it's annoying that there’s no way to clear all your filters in one go.

You have to manually reset each filter in turn or completely remove the filter and re-add from the menu, both of which are tedious.
😃 The solution:

Create a macro to remove and re-add the filter!

Then we can be super efficient by running it with a single menu click or, even better, with a shortcut key. Yay! 🎉
Step 1: From your Google Sheet, open the Script Editor window: Tools > Script editor
Step 2: Copy in the following code:

function resetFilter() (
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const range = sheet.getDataRange();
Step 3: Back in your Google Sheet, use the Macro Import option to import this function as a macro (Tools > Macros > Import).
Step 4: When you run it, it will remove and then re-add filters to your data range in one go.
For example, in this GIF, I have a data table with three filters applied.

Rather than remove them one by one, I simply run the macro which automatically removes and re-adds filters to my table to get me back to my unfiltered data.

It works like a charm!
You can follow @benlcollins.
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