do I choose violence today??? hm 🤔
Between the 2-12 min marks in this playback, you watched my video. A pretty harmless video asking about interest in something YOU made primarily and said a lot of unwarranted rude things about me and my channel. @Tymacked
NOW if I sat here and countered everything you said, I'd be the bad guy & I'd be putting my business & income out there and that's just not my thing. I wanna let it be known my video was made purely off curiosity if anything but most of what you said highkey disrespectful.
If you don't know who I am? thats fine, your channel was made back in 2018 & I've been around since 2013 on this channel, on YouTube since 08, and you started with megaman videos. I shouldn't expect you to know who I am, everything else said is WILD to me.
Let me tell you something & I want this to stick. While your Pokemon challenge videos may do good, understand that building a brand UNDER Pokemon has only been successful to a small minority. There's no longevity in anything you're doing. To sit here & say
"this guy is irrelevant" when I'm sure I have a following coming out to streams, supports any of my new ventures outside of the "Let's Play" medium, will buy my merch at the drop of a dime is disrespectful to them and you, especially when people outside of the POKEMON space
most likely have 0 idea who you are, till I talked about you now. If you wanna talk "Relevance" & "Influence" compare you & I, I eclipse you. Now, When you see this thread, I don't want an apology. I want you to do better & research who you're most likely speaking about AND
tearing down in front of your audience. My harmless video shouldn't have warranted most of the things you said especially when people KNOW of me in the Pokemon community (good/bad who cares?) but it's clear ignorance is a disease and I hope you're cured soon. Take care :]
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